God's New Bible

The Pre­paration

How God Prepares Us

- Chapter 1468 -

These times are foretold to you!

Monday, March 10, 2025

Message of February 25, 2025

Dear children, the election in Germany is simply

said not what it should be, because light

does not bring it into your world,

but more hatred and brooding.

You must pray and be faithful to Jesus,

pure of heart, for HE alone is your Savior

in this time of gloom,

which overtakes the world with giant strides'.

No matter what you choose, it will be so,

as the Lord has told you at all times.

So hang in there and pray a lot,

for the worst is coming, and you must remain still,

in love and without hatred, My child,

and pray much for all sin,

which will overflow, My child, your world,

for it is really bad now.

Pray to the Lord, to Jesus Christ,

for He alone is your Savior.

No man can help you in this trouble,

that befalls the earth and brings suffering and death.

So pray a lot and stay faithful to Jesus,

I love you very much, stay pious people

and hidden in the Lord, always in His light,

which is stronger than all darkness.

HE will come, the Lord, to lift up His child',

and these times are foretold to you.

So persevere, remain faithful and in the light

of the Lord Christ, who is your Savior.

So tell the children all these things about Me,

for the time that is written is almost here.

So persevere and always pray much,

with fervent heart and love, very much,

for love will triumph with Jesus Christ,

who comes again to redeem you in Divine Light.

This time is near, so be ready

for your Redeemer, for the time is near.

I say goodbye and see you soon,

Your Bonaventure, your world is so cold.

I am leaving now, prepare yourselves,

for a terrible and then holy time is coming.

Be ready, My children, for Jesus Christ,

for He alone is your Savior, be sure of this,

and do not fall prey to the evil one who deceives and curses you,

for he is cunning and tempts

to blind you and drag you into his hypocritical world,

to dominate you and plunge you into his diabolical underworld,

which will open up for so many children,

who are not ready for Jesus and are all lost.

So be watchful, ready and pray much, My children,

always remain faithful to Jesus, for the time, it is running.

Do not give in and never despair, dear child',

stay strong and persevere, don't wave like a flag in the wind,

for only he who remains faithful to the Lord and does not become soft,

will enter His New Kingdom.
