God's New Bible

The Pre­paration

How God Prepares Us

- Chapter 1467 -

The Calamity That Befalls Your Earth!

Monday, February 17, 2025

Message of February 11, 2025

Our Lady: My Son, yours and your Jesus, is very, very worried. Many of His children have turned their backs on Him who died for you, and strife and wars are increasing.

They have turned away from Him Who is Holy, and so also from good, and this has a great effect on your time on earth.

Jesus: My children. Fear not, for I, your Jesus, am with you at all times, no matter how bad and terrible the times will be.

Our Lady: My child. Jesus suffers, and He sees the misfortune that befalls your earth.

So do not be afraid, for you who are with HIM have nothing to fear, but the times will be ugly and cruel.

Wars will now break out, caused by disputes and claims to power. You are already enemies among yourselves, but there is much quarrelling in politics and power.

Ultimately, they will involve you in wars in order to take advantage of them and achieve world domination.

Evil has mingled, and the squabblers do not realize what the greatest of the wicked is up to.

This is reserved for only a few, and this one, the greatest of the wicked, takes advantage of the loyalty of his 'underlings', and he takes advantage of their ignorance and keeps stoking the fire to stir up even greater strife among those who think they are great in his eyes, but they will ALL be betrayed by him, just as great politicians and rulers do among themselves for now.

They feel great and believe in their greatness, but they too are only puppets in the devil's theater. One will deceive the other until finally the devil deceives them all.

This is the evil one's plan, and he doesn't need to do much himself to gain his power. He has skillfully staged it, and skillfully he plays his henchmen off against each other. He just waits until they have betrayed and warred with each other, then he strikes.

But you, beloved children of My Son, shall be enslaved, but do not be afraid, for My Son, Jesus Christ, will still draw many to Himself and convert them and, My child, will stand by those who remain faithful to HIM to the end.

Jesus: So remain with Me, My teaching and faithful to Me, your Jesus, for My time is near and I will come to raise you up and give you the New Kingdom.

Mother of God: Beloved children that you are: My Son will come. That time is near. But first comes His warning, and blessed is he who recognizes it as an act of the merciful love of the Father and the Son, accepts it and repents and does good. Amen.

Jesus: My children. I, your Jesus, am with you. Always.

Pray much, pray fervently and ask for help and for mitigation and for shortening the time to the Father in heaven.

I love you very much.

HE, WHO is Almighty, has sent numerous angelic hosts to protect you. So do not be afraid. Remain in prayer and faithful to Me, your Jesus. Amen.

Mother of God: My child. I, your Mother in Heaven, love you very much. Let these lines help you to remain strong and persevering, for the time of wars is growing short, and the protection of Heaven is with those who remain faithful and devoted to My Son.

When the world is involved in these wars, the Antichrist will show himself.

Have no fear, but know that he is the son of the Evil One.

Always be aware of Our words, and do not be deceived, confused or seduced.

Always remain in prayer and always remain faithful to Jesus.

I love you very much. Jesus loves you very much and the Father in heaven. The more you pray and plead for moderation and shortening of the time, the milder and shorter this time will be.

Jesus: So remain faithful in prayer and to Me, your Jesus.

I love you very much. Amen.

Yours and your Mother in heaven with Jesus and many saints and holy angels present. Amen.

Note; Jesus in agony looks so sad and suffering. A very, very bad time is ahead of us, but HE will be with us and protect us. He says: 'Everything will turn out well in the end. And that we should not be afraid.

Jesus at the altar: Oh, My child. I, your Jesus, am so sad. The world denies Me, insults Me and turns away from Me, their Savior, Who I Am, but, My beloved daughter, there are also many, many souls who are being converted thanks to so many fervent prayers, good and holy priests, missionaries and people like you and your co-workers.

I love you very much.

Yours and your Jesus. Amen.