God's New Bible

The Pre­paration

How God Prepares Us

- Chapter 1453 -

What Is Happening in Your World Is Almost Unbearable!

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Message from 4. October 2024

Bonaventure: My child. I am so sad. What is happening in your world is almost unbearable.

I see how much children have gone astray, but they cannot find the way to Jesus. I see how empty the churches are and I do not understand you, beloved children!

How can you not visit Jesus, not pray to Him, not want to receive Him who is your Redeemer in Holy Communion?

Why don't you baptize your children? Why?

Why do so few of you young people still receive the Holy Sacraments? What has happened in your world?

Where is your faith? Where is your faith?

Jesus Christ is the way, the only way, so walk in it!

You have no other chance, because only He is the way to eternal life in glory!

Leave this world, which is transitory and ruled by the devil!

Get ready for eternity at the side of the Lord and Father, who is your Creator! From Him you came and to Him you go, but the way there is His Son, Jesus Christ!

Nothing earthly, beloved children, you who are, I repeat: nothing earthly will lead you to Jesus, nothing earthly will bring you closer to the Father! It is alone faith, the observance of the 10 Commandments, which the Father gave you for a good and God-wanted life and world, beloved children!

He who created you sent His Son on earth so that all children might find their way back home to Him, to the Father in Heaven, but you trample Jesus underfoot, do not listen to His word, do not keep His commandments, do not have your children baptized, baptize your children, do not go to confirmation, do not attend your Holy Masses and instead, close more and more churches, chase after more and more earthly riches, pleasures and well-being, love yourselves more than your neighbor, and even worse, put yourselves above God!

You see neither clearly nor do you know where you are heading!

Without Jesus you will all be lost! You will perish! You will be thrown to the devil to be devoured and only then will you beg and cry out for help, but it will be too late!

If you do not convert now, all this will happen! You will lose your eternal life in glory, and you are already well on your way to it!

There is pure madness in and on your world, and it will bring you to fall and into hell!

Listen to My word, beloved children, for I am very concerned for you and sad, very sad, to see all this.

I am praying for you, but you MUST repent! It is the only way for any of you to find Jesus and not be lost!

What is about to break loose will be severe, and you will not have expected it in any way.

Many are already suffering, but this suffering will afflict the entire world.

Only the children of God, those who are loyal and devoted to Jesus, will be spared the worst. They will be the ones who enter the Lord's New Kingdom, and they will live happily ever after. There will come such an indescribably beautiful time, but only for the children loyal to Jesus!

So hold on, those who are with Jesus, and convert, those who have not yet found Jesus. Your salvation depends on whether you convert or not!

Those who do not do so will suffer eternal torment, but those who find Jesus will rejoice and be glad forever. Amen.

I love you very much. We, the 'Heaven' united, pray for you. Be sure of our intercession, but ask Us your saints, the community of saints, for it!

I am very sad to see what is happening in your world, but We too implore the Father for you.

Your Bonaventure with many of the saints present here in the community. Amen.