Gottes Neue Bibel

The Prophet Zephaniah

Literal Standard Version 2020

- Kapitel 2 -

(Joel 1:13–20; Amos 5:4–15; Luke 13:1–5)
Bend yourselves, indeed, bend, || O nation not desired,
Before the bringing forth of a statute, || The day has passed on as chaff, || While the heat of the anger of YHWH has not yet come in on you, || While [the] Day of the anger of YHWH has not yet come in on you,
Seek YHWH, all you humble of the land, || Who have done His judgment, || Seek righteousness, seek humility, || It may be you are hidden in the Day of the anger of YHWH.

Judgment on the Philistines

(Jeremiah 47:1–7)
For Gaza is forsaken, || And Ashkelon [is] for a desolation, || Ashdod! At noon they cast her forth, || And Ekron is rooted up.
Behold! O inhabitants of the seacoast, || Nation of the Cherethites, || A word of YHWH [is] against you, || Canaan, land of the Philistines, || “And I have destroyed you without an inhabitant.”
And the seacoast has been habitations, || Cottages [for] shepherds, and folds [for] a flock.
And the coast has been for the remnant of the house of Judah, || By them they have pleasure, || In houses of Ashkelon they lie down at evening, || For their God YHWH inspects them, || And He has turned back [to] their captivity.

Judgment on Moab and Ammon

(Isaiah 16:1–14; Jeremiah 48:1–47)
I have heard the reproach of Moab, || And the revilings of the sons of Ammon, || With which they reproached My people, || And magnify [themselves] against their border.
Therefore, [as] I live,” || A declaration of YHWH of Hosts, God of Israel, || “Surely Moab is as Sodom, || And the sons of Ammon as Gomorrah, || An overrunning of nettles and salt-pits, || And a desolation for all time. A remnant of My people seizes them, || And a remnant of My nation inherits them.”
This [is] to them for their arrogancy, || Because they have reproached, || And they magnify [themselves] against the people of YHWH of Hosts.
Fearful [is] YHWH against them, || For He made all gods of the land bare, || And all islanders of the nations bow themselves to Him, || Each from his place.

Judgment on Cush and Assyria

Also you, O Cushim, they [are] pierced of My sword.”
And He stretches His hand against the north, || And destroys Asshur, || And He sets Nineveh for a desolation, || A dry land like a wilderness.
And droves have crouched in her midst, || Every beast of the nation, || Both pelican and hedgehog lodge in her knobs, || A voice sings at the window, || “Destruction [is] at the threshold, || For the cedar-work is exposed.”
This [is] the exulting city that is dwelling confidently, || That is saying in her heart, || “I [am], and there is none beside me,” || How she has been for a desolation, || A crouching-place for beasts, || Everyone passing by her hisses, || He shakes his hand!