Gottes Neue Bibel

The Book of Psalms

Catholic Public Domain :: Allioli - Arndt Bibel

- Kapitel 17 -

Hear my righteous plea

A Prayer of David. Lord, listen to my justice, attend to my supplication. Pay attention to my prayer, which is not from deceitful lips.
Let my judgment proceed from your presence. Let your eyes behold fairness.
You have tested my heart and visited it by night. You have examined me by fire, and iniquity has not been found in me.
Therefore, may my mouth not speak the works of men. I have kept to difficult ways because of the words of your lips.
Perfect my steps in your paths, so that my footsteps may not be disturbed.
I have cried out because you, O God, have listened to me. Incline your ear to me and heed my words.
Make your mercies wonderful, for you save those who hope in you.
From those who resist your right hand, preserve me like the pupil of your eye. Protect me under the shadow of your wings,
from the face of the impious who have afflicted me. My enemies have surrounded my soul.
They have concealed their fatness; their mouth has been speaking arrogantly.(a)
They have cast me out, and now they have surrounded me. They have cast their eyes down to the earth.(b)
They have taken me, like a lion ready for the prey, and like a young lion dwelling in hiding.
Rise up, O Lord, arrive before him and displace him. Deliver my soul from the impious one: your spear from the enemies of your hand.
Lord, divide them from the few of the earth in their life.(c) Their gut has been filled from your hidden stores.(d) They have been filled with sons, and they have bequeathed to their little ones the remainder.
But as for me, I will appear before your sight in justice. I will be satisfied when your glory appears.


(a)16:10 Their fat:That is, their bowels of compassion: for they have none for me.(Challoner)
(b)16:11 They look down on other people, even the whole world. They put on the mask of false humility, casting their eyes downward, as if humble, while they act with self-exaltation and condescension.(Conte)
(c)16:14 Divide them from the few, etc:That is, cut them off from the earth, and the few trifling things thereof; which they are so proud of, or divide them from the few; that is, from thy elect, who are but few; that they may no longer have it in their power to oppress them. It is not meant by way of a curse or imprecation; but, as many other the like passages in the psalms, by way of a prediction, or prophecy of what should come upon them, in punishment of their wickedness.(Challoner)
(d)16:14 Your hidden stores:Your secret treasures, out of which you furnish those earthly goods, which, with a bountiful hand you have distributed both to the good and the bad.(Challoner)

Höre mein rechtschaffenes Flehen

Ein Gebet Davids. Erhöre, Herr! meine gerechte Sache. Merke auf mein Flehen. Vernimm mein Gebet, das von Lippen ohne Trug ausgeht.
Lass von deinem Angesichte mein Recht ausgehen; deine Augen mögen auf das schauen, was recht ist.
Prüfest du mein Herz und suchst es des Nachts heim, erprobst du mich im Feuer, kein Unrecht wird an mir erfunden.
Auf dass mein Mund nicht von Menschenwerken rede, um der Worte deiner Lippen willen mied ich die Pfade des Unheils.
Mache meinen Wandel standhaft auf deinen Wegen, dass meine Tritte nicht wanken.
Ich rufe zu dir, denn du erhörst mich, o Gott! neige dein Ohr zu mir und höre meine Rede!
Erweise mir deine wunderbaren Erbarmungen, der du die rettest, die auf dich hoffen.
Behüte mich wie deinen Augapfel vor den Widersachern deiner Rechten; unter dem Schatten deiner Flügel beschirme mich,
vor den Gottlosen, die mich vergewaltigen. Meine Feinde umgeben meine Seele,
verschlossen haben sie ihr gefühlloses Herz, ihr Mund führt stolze Reden.
Schon haben sie mich hinausgestoßen und umringen mich jetzt, sie richten ihr Absehen darauf, mich zu Boden zu stricken.
Sie lauern mir auf wie ein Löwe, gierig nach Raub, und wie ein junger Löwe, der im Verstecke liegt.
Auf, o Herr! komm ihm zuvor und wirf ihn nieder; rette meine Seele vor dem Gottlosen, entreiß dein Schwert
den Feinden deiner Hand. Herr! aus den wenigen von der Erde weg scheide sie in der Fülle des Lebens. Mit deinen verborgenen Schätzen ist ihr Bauch erfüllt; sie haben Söhne in Fülle und diese hinterlassen ihren Kindern ihren Überfluss.
Ich aber werde in Gerechtigkeit vor deinem Angesichte erscheinen, mich ersättigen, wenn sich deine Herrlichkeit offenbart.