God's New Bible

Additions to the Book of Esther

King James Version :: World English Bible Catholic

- Chapter 5 -

And she prayed unto the Lord God of Israel, saying, O my Lord, thou only art our King: help me, desolate woman, which have no helper but thee:
For my danger is in mine hand.
From my youth up I have heard in the tribe of my family that thou, O Lord, tookest Israel from among all people, and our fathers from all their predecessors, for a perpetual inheritance, and thou hast performed whatsoever thou didst promise them.
And now we have sinned before thee: therefore hast thou given us into the hands of our enemies,
Because we worshipped their gods: O Lord, thou art righteous.
Nevertheless it satisfieth them not, that we are in bitter captivity: but they have stricken hands with their idols,
That they will abolish the thing that thou with thy mouth hast ordained, and destroy thine inheritance, and stop the mouth of them that praise thee, and quench the glory of thy house, and of thine altar,
And open the mouths of the heathen to set forth the praises of the idols, and to magnify a fleshly king for ever.
O Lord, give not thy sceptre unto them that be nothing, and let them not laugh at our fall; but turn their device upon themselves, and make him an example, that hath begun this against us.
Remember, O Lord, make thyself known in time of our affliction, and give me boldness, O King of the nations, and Lord of all power.
Give me eloquent speech in my mouth before the lion: turn his heart to hate him that fighteth against us, that there may be an end of him, and of all that are likeminded to him:
But deliver us with thine hand, and help me that am desolate, and which have no other help but thee.
He said, “Lord(a) God, you are king ruling over all, for all things are in your power, and there is no one who can oppose you in your purpose to save Israel; (b) It came to pass on the third day, when she had ceased praying, that she took off her servant’s dress and put on her glorious apparel. Being splendidly dressed and having called upon God the Overseer and Preserver of all things, she took her two maids, and she leaned upon one, as a delicate female, and the other followed bearing her train. She was blooming in the perfection of her beauty. Her face was cheerful and looked lovely, but her heart was filled with fear. Having passed through all the doors, she stood before the king. He was sitting on his royal throne. He had put on all his glorious apparel, covered all over with gold and precious stones, and was very terrifying. And having raised his face resplendent with glory, he looked with intense anger. The queen fell, and changed her color as she fainted. She bowed herself upon the head of the maid who went before her. But God changed the spirit of the king to gentleness, and in intense feeling, he sprang from off his throne, and took her into his arms, until she recovered. He comforted her with peaceful words, and said to her, “What is the matter, Esther? I am your relative. Cheer up! You shall not die, for our command is openly declared to you: ‘Draw near.’”
for you have made the heaven and the earth and every wonderful thing under heaven. And having raised the golden sceptre, he laid it upon her neck, and embraced her. He said, “Speak to me.” So she said to him, “I saw you, my lord, as an angel of God, and my heart was troubled for fear of your glory; for you, my lord, are to be wondered at, and your face is full of grace.” While she was speaking, she fainted and fell. Then the king was troubled, and all his servants comforted her.
You are Lord of all, and there is no one who can resist you, Lord. The king said, “What do you desire, Esther? What is your request? Ask even to the half of my kingdom, and it shall be yours.”
You know all things. You know, Lord, that it is not in insolence, nor arrogance, nor love of glory, that I have done this, to refuse to bow down to the arrogant Haman. Esther said, “Today is a special day. So if it seems good to the king, let both him and Haman come to the feast which I will prepare this day.”
For I would gladly have kissed the soles of his feet for the safety of Israel. The king said, “Hurry and bring Haman here, that we may do as Esther said.” So they both came to the feast about which Esther had spoken.
But I have done this that I might not set the glory of man above the glory of God. I will not worship anyone except you, my Lord, and I will not do these things in arrogance. At the banquet, the king said to Esther, “What is your request, queen Esther? You shall have all that you require.”
And now, O Lord God, the King, the God of Abraham, spare your people, for our enemies are planning our destruction, and they have desired to destroy your ancient inheritance. She said, “My request and my petition is:
Do not overlook your people, whom you have redeemed for yourself out of the land of Egypt. if I have found favor in the king’s sight, let the king and Haman come again tomorrow to the feast which I shall prepare for them, and tomorrow I will do as I have done today.”
Listen to my prayer. Have mercy on your inheritance and turn our mourning into gladness, that we may live and sing praise to your name, O Lord. Don’t utterly destroy the mouth of those who praise you, O Lord.” So Haman went out from the king very glad and merry; but when Haman saw Mordecai the Jew in the court, he was greatly enraged.
All Israel cried with all their might, for death was before their eyes. Having gone into his own house, he called his friends, and his wife Zeresh.
And queen Esther took refuge in the Lord, being taken as it were in the agony of death. He showed them his wealth and the glory with which the king had invested him, and how he had promoted him to be chief ruler in the kingdom.
Having taken off her glorious apparel, she put on garments of distress and mourning. Instead of grand perfumes she filled her head with ashes and dung. She greatly humbled her body, and she filled every place of her glad adorning with her tangled hair. Haman said, “The queen has called no one to the feast with the king but me, and I am invited tomorrow.
She implored the Lord God of Israel, and said, “O my Lord, you alone are our king. Help me. I am destitute, and have no helper but you, But these things don’t please me while I see Mordecai the Jew in the court.
for my danger is near at hand(c). Then Zeresh his wife and his friends said to him, “Let a fifty cubit tall(d) gallows be made for you. In the morning you speak to the king, and let Mordecai be hanged on the gallows; but you go in to the feast with the king, and be merry.” The saying pleased Haman, and the gallows was prepared.


(a)4:19 See 3 Kings 8.53. Note.
(b)5:1 From the first verse to the third, the Greek widely differs from the Hebrew
(c)4:32 Greek in my hand.
(d)5:14 Greek a tree cut.