Gottes Neue Bibel

The General Epistle of Jude

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- Kapitel 1 -

(James 1:1)
Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to those who are beloved in God the Father, and who are guarded and called in Jesus Christ:
May mercy, and peace, and love be fulfilled in you.

God’s Judgment on the Ungodly

(2 Peter 3:1–7)
Most beloved, taking all care to write to you about your common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you in order to beg you to contend earnestly for the faith that was handed down once to the saints.
For certain men entered unnoticed, who were written of beforehand unto this judgment: impious persons who are transforming the grace of our God into self-indulgence, and who are denying both the sole Ruler and our Lord Jesus Christ.(a)
So I want to caution you. Those who once knew everything that Jesus did, in saving the people from the land of Egypt, afterwards perished because they did not believe.
And truly, the Angels, who did not keep to their first place, but instead abandoned their own domiciles, he has reserved with perpetual chains under darkness, unto the great day of judgment.(b)
And also Sodom and Gomorrah, and the adjoining cities, in similar ways, having given themselves over to fornication and to the pursuing of other flesh, were made an example, suffering the punishment of eternal fire.
Similarly also, these ones certainly defile the flesh, and they despise proper authority, and they blaspheme against majesty.(c)
When Michael the Archangel, disputing with the devil, contended about the body of Moses, he did not dare to bring against him a judgment of blasphemy, so instead he said: “The Lord commands you.”(d) (e)
But these men certainly blaspheme against whatever they do not understand. And yet, whatever they, like mute animals, know from nature, in these things they are corrupted.
Woe to them! For they have gone after the way of Cain, and they have poured out the error of Balaam for profit, and they have perished in the sedition of Korah.(f)
These ones are defiled within their banquets, enjoying themselves and feeding themselves without fear; waterless clouds, which are tossed about by winds; autumn trees, unfruitful, twice dead, uprooted;(g)
raging waves of the sea, foaming from their own confusion; wandering stars, for whom the whirlwind of darkness has been reserved forever!
And about these, Enoch, the seventh from Adam, also prophesied, saying: “Behold, the Lord is arriving with thousands of his saints,(h)
to execute judgment against everyone, and to reprove all the impious concerning all the works of their impiety, by which they have acted impiously, and concerning all the harsh things that impious sinners have spoken against God.”
These ones are complaining murmurers, walking according to their own desires. And their mouth is speaking arrogance, admiring persons for the sake of gain.

A Call to Persevere

(Hebrews 10:19–39; 2 Peter 3:1–7)
But as for you, most beloved, be mindful of the words which have been foretold by the Apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ,(i) (j)
who declared to you that, in the end time, there would arrive mockers, walking according to their own desires, in impieties.
These are the ones who segregate themselves; they are animals, not having the Spirit.
But you, most beloved, are building yourselves up by your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit,
keeping yourselves in the love of God, and anticipating the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.(k)
So certainly, reprove them, after they have been judged.
Yet truly, save them, seizing them from the fire. And have mercy on others: in fear, hating even that which is of the flesh, the defiled garment.(l)


(Romans 16:25–27)
Then, to him who has the power to keep you free from sin and to present you, immaculate, with exultation, before the presence of his glory at the advent of our Lord Jesus Christ,
to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord: to him be glory and magnificence, dominion and power, before all ages, and now, and in every age, forever. Amen.(m)


(a)1:4 The word ‘praescripti’ is similar in meaning to foretold or predicted, except referring to writing beforehand, rather than speaking beforehand. The meaning is that these impious men who rebel against the faith were foretold by Scripture.(Conte)
(b)1:6 Principality:That is, the state in which they were first created, their original dignity.(Challoner)
(c)1:8 Blaspheme majesty:Speak evil of them that are in dignity; and even utter blasphemies against the divine majesty.(Challoner)
(d)1:9 Contended about the body, etc:This contention, which is no where else mentioned in holy writ, was originally known by revelation, and transmitted by tradition. It is thought the occasion of it was, that the devil would have had the body buried in such a place and manner, as to be worshipped by the Jews with divine honours.(Challoner)
(e)1:9 Command you:or rebuke you.(Challoner)
(f)1:11 Gone in the way, etc:Heretics follow the way of Cain, by murdering the souls of their brethren; the way of Balaam, by putting a scandal before the people of God, for their own private ends; and the way of Core or Korah, by their opposition to the church governors of divine appointment.(Challoner)
(g)1:12 The autumn in the Holy Land is the end of a long dry season. It does not generally rain in the summer in Israel. The rainy season is the winter. The harvest is in the spring. So the autumn is the time furthest from the rainy and fruitful seasons, after a long dry season.(Conte)
(h)1:14 Prophesied:This prophecy was either known by tradition, or from some book that is since lost.(Challoner)
(i)1:17 But you, my dearly beloved, be mindful, etc:He now exhorts the faithful to remain steadfast in the belief and practice of what they had heard from the apostles, who had also foretold that in aftertimes (lit. in the last time) there should be false teachers, scoffing and ridiculing all revealed truths, abandoning themselves to their passions and lusts; who separate themselves from the Catholic communion by heresies and schisms.(Challoner)
(j)1:17 Sensual men:carried away and enslaved by the pleasures of the senses.(Challoner)
(k)1:21 Building yourselves upon your most holy faith:Raising by your actions, a spiritual building, founded, 1st, upon faith; 2d, on the love of God; 3d, upon hope, whilst you are waiting for the mercies of God, and the reward of eternal life; 4th, joined with the great duty of prayer.(Challoner)
(l)1:23 And some indeed reprove being judged:He gives them another instruction to practice charity in endeavouring to convert their neighbour, where they will meet with three sorts of persons: 1st, With persons obstinate in their errors and sins; these may be said to be already judged and condemned; they are to be sharply reprehended, reproved, and if possible convinced of their error. 2d, As to others you must endeavour to save them, by pulling them, as it were, out of the fire, from the ruin they stand in great danger of. 3d, You must have mercy on others in fear, when you see them through ignorance of frailty, in danger of being drawn into the snares of these heretics; with these you must deal more gently and mildly, with a charitable compassion, hating always, and teaching others to hate the carnal garment which is spotted, their sensual and corrupt manners, that defile both the soul and body.(Challoner)
(m)1:25 Now to him, etc:St. Jude concludes his epistle with this doxology of praising God, and praying to the only God our Saviour, which may either signify God the Father, or God as equally agreeing to all the three persons, who are equally the cause of Christ’s incarnation, and man’s salvation, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who, being God from eternity, took upon him our human nature, that he might become our Redeemer.(Challoner)

Gruß an die Berufenen

(Jakobus 1,1)
Judas, Diener Jesu Christi und Bruder des Jakobus, den in Gott, dem Vater, Geliebten und für Jesus Christus Bewahrten und Berufenen.
Barmherzigkeit und Friede und Liebe werde euch in Fülle!

Streitet für den Glauben

(2. Petrus 3,1-7)
Geliebte! da ich mit allem Eifer bedacht war, euch über euer gemeinsames Heil zu schreiben, sah ich mich genötigt euch zu schreiben, dass ihr, wie ich euch inständig bitte, für den einmal den Heiligen überlieferten Glauben kämpfet.
Denn es haben sich gewisse Menschen eingeschlichen (die für ein solches Strafgericht längst vorherbestimmt sind), Gottlose, welche die Gnade unsers Gottes in Ausschweifung verkehren, und unsern alleinigen Gebieter, den Herrn Jesus Christus, verleugnen.

Alte und neue Abtrünnige

Ich will euch aber, die ihr einmal alles wisset, daran erinnern, dass Jesus, nachdem er sein Volk aus dem Lande Ägypten gerettet, das zweite Mal jene, welche nicht glaubten, vernichtet hat.
Auch hat er die Engel, welche ihre Herrschaft nicht bewahrten, sondern ihre Wohnung verließen, auf das Gericht des großen Tages mit ewigen Banden unter der Finsternis bewahrt.
Wie Sodoma und Gomorrha und die umliegenden Städte, welche in ähnlicher Weise sich in Unzucht erschöpften und unnatürlicher Wollust nachgingen, zum Beispiele geworden sind, indem sie die Strafe ewigen Feuers erleiden.
Ebenso beflecken auch diese das Fleisch, verachten die Herrschaft und lästern die Majestät.
Als der Erzengel Michael, mit dem Teufel rechtend um den Leib des Moses stritt, wagte er es nicht ein lästerndes Urteil gegen ihn zu fällen, sondern sprach: Der Herr gebiete dir!
Diese aber lästern alles, was sie nicht kennen, das aber, was sie von Natur, wie die unvernünftigen Tiere, verstehen, darin verderben sie.
Wehe ihnen, denn sie sind den Weg Kains gewandelt und haben sich in den Irrtum Balaams um Lohnes willen fortreißen lassen und sind in der Auflehnung Kores zu Grunde gegangen.

Abtrünnige Verderbte und Verdammte

Diese sind bei ihren Liebesmahlen Schandflecken, indem sie ohne Scheu prassen, sich selbst weiden; wasserlose Wolken, die von den Winden dahingetrieben werden, Bäume im Spätherbst, unfruchtbar, zweifach erstorben, entwurzelt,
tobende Meereswogen, ihre eigene Schande ausschäumend, Irrsterne, welchen der Sturm der Finsternis für ewig aufbehalten ist.
Es hat aber auch auf diese der siebente von Adam, Enoch, geweissagt, indem er sprach: Siehe, es ist der Herr gekommen mit seinen heiligen Taufenden,
Gericht zu halten über alle, und zur Strafe zu ziehen alle Gottlosen wegen aller Werke ihrer Gottlosigkeit, durch welche sie sich gottlos bewiesen, und wegen aller frevelhaften Reden, welche die gottlosen Sünder wider Gott ausgestoßen.

Abtrünnige vorhergesagt

Sie sind murrende, stets klagende, nach ihren Lüsten wandelnde Leute, ihr Mund redet Vermessenes, indes sie den Menschen um des Gewinnes willen schmeicheln.
(Hebräer 10,19-39; 2. Petrus 3,1-7)
Ihr aber, Geliebte! seid eingedenk der Worte, die von den Aposteln unsers Herrn Jesus Christus vorhergesagt sind,
welche euch sagten: Zur letzten Stunde werden Spötter kommen, die nach ihren eigenen Gelüsten in Gottlosigkeiten wandeln.
Diese sind es, welche sich absondern, sinnliche Menschen, die den Geist nicht haben.

Bewahre das Leben mit Gott

Ihr aber, Geliebte! bauet euch fest auf euern heiligsten Glauben, betet im Heiligen Geiste,
bewahret euch in der Liebe Gottes, und harret auf das Erbarmen unsers Herrn Jesus Christus zum ewigen Leben.
Und die einen weiset zurecht als schon Gerichtete,
andere aber rettet, indem ihr sie dem Feuer entreißet. Anderer wiederum erbarmet euch in Furcht, so dass ihr selbst das vom Fleische befleckte Kleid verabscheut.

Gott die Ehre geben

(Römer 16,25-27)
Dem aber, welcher mächtig ist, euch ohne Sünde zu bewahren und vor seiner Herrlichkeit unbefleckt in Frohlocken darzustellen bei der Ankunft unsers Herrn Jesus Christus,
ihm, dem alleinigen Gott, unserm Heilande, durch Jesus Christus, unsern Herrn, ist Herrlichkeit und Majestät, Herrschaft und Macht vor aller Zeit, jetzt und in alle Ewigkeit! Amen.